Beverley carer faces repair bill after ‘mystery driver’ scrapes her car

A live-in carer is searching for a driver who she believes scraped her car, leaving her facing a repair bill she says she can’t afford.

Lilly Bella Scott, 22, says she will be forced to pay for the damage herself unless the unidentified culprit comes forward. She had parked in Beverley, close to where she works, when she spotted that her car had been damaged. However, no note was left, nor anything else that could help her identify the person responsible.

Now, Lilly, says she is worried about how she will afford the repair costs and is appealing for anyone with information to come forward. The suspected collision happened on Tuesday (May 3) in Holme Church Lane.

Read more: Hull hospital worker’s anger after she’s hit with 10 parking fines

Lilly had parked in a marked parking place close to the junction with Beckside. It is a spot that some people have suggested should be reconsidered by the council, due to its position on the cusp of a bend in the road.

Speaking to Hull Live, Lilly said: “I was really angry when someone hit my car. I may have parked in a place people wouldn’t agree with, but I was within the lines and it’s a parking space regardless. I can’t be the only person it’s happened to so the council should get rid of it if it’s becoming an issue.”

The collision happened on the corner of St Nicholas Road
The collision happened on the corner of Holme Church Lane

She added: “I don’t know when I’m gonna be able to get the money to fix it, I’ve got other things to pay for and god knows when I’ll be able to afford it. I shouldn’t have to scrimp for someone else’s carelessness, but that’s the way life is at the minute really so, there’s not much I can do about it.

“Even if me and the other person go halves it would help. I’m not gonna ask questions, everyone does silly things, just say sorry and try and make it right afterwards?”

After originally posting the photos of the damage on a Beverley Facebook page, some commenters suggested a parking place should not be allowed at that spot, given its proximity to the junction.

Stuart wrote: “Ok I know it’s not right that they haven’t left details, but that should never have been allowed to be a parking bay in the first place.”

Steph added: “You are right, I’ve seen loads of cars get hit parked in this space. It’s right on the bend and people come around too fast. It’s awful that they’ve just hit her car and driven off. I’d be gutted if it was my car.”

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